@ukdj @bundeswehronline .@bundeswehr https://ukdefencejournal.org.uk/german-air-force-in-dire-straits-says-chief-of-staff/?no_cache=1 the german army nees purpose1 task, purpose1 clearly defined + necessary tools they must hold and this breaki

@ukdj @bundeswehronline .@bundeswehr


the german army nees


task, purpose1 clearly defined + necessary tools they must hold
and this breaking down into process management t i m e management of each process

task2,purpose1 + necessary tools they must hold reay
modern process management wiht time critical components


task1 purpose2 +necessary tools
modern process manament wiht time critical processes in center

task2,purpose2… and so on

a modern logistics system must merge these processes seamlessly

but is it really just a money and personnel problem

did others lock patents from german use?

I am Christian KISS

BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication

PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64

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@ukdj @bundeswehronline .@bundeswehr https://ukdefencejournal.org.uk/german-air-force-in-dire-straits-says-chief-of-staff/?no_cache=1 the german army nees purpose1 task, purpose1 clearly defined + necessary tools they must hold and this breaki

like what u read? drop a cookie into paypal.me/christiankiss purpose: BabyAWACS+topic