How do we pretend german teardown trick to template that to an adobe acrobat reader selling dayfool virgin @energy .@energy .@iaea .@losalamosnatlab .@livermoorelab .@fermi_lab @losalamosnatlab @dimona #itsjustthenuclearinventions Did the island of stab

How do we pretend german teardown trick to template that to an adobe acrobat reader selling dayfool virgin

@energy .@energy .@iaea .@losalamosnatlab .@livermoorelab .@fermi_lab @losalamosnatlab @dimona

Did the island of stability workout? Couldwe make some new elements with electric transmutation


Heyguys. Caniget infos onmy nuclear inventions

Electronless fissilematerial with centrifuge

Updated gravitationalnuclear weapon

Temporary reflector inspired byrope effect

These devices werearound long before my mama wasborn
And they willbe around long after us. But
We can change it from a doom material surroudnedby highexplosives to an inert shell of fissilematerialwithout reflector activated even

Fusion!!!!!!! Eeeeeek!

Some tweaks inthe tokamaks and plasma fluid dynamics
The physics with lagrange creep points intermetallic reflections and such

I pretend I wellearned mymoney in the nuclear field too

I am Christian KISS

BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication
PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64

Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate.

How do we pretend german teardown trick to template that to an adobe acrobat reader selling dayfool virgin @energy .@energy .@iaea .@losalamosnatlab .@livermoorelab .@fermi_lab @losalamosnatlab @dimona #itsjustthenuclearinventions Did the island of stab

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